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About GoldPro: Image
What is GoldPro?
GoldPro is a specially developed online physical gold trading platform by Central Precious Metals to benefit and convenient our trade partners.
Central Precious Metals trade partners using GoldPro includes pawnshops, goldsmiths, gold wholesalers.
What are the benefits of using GoldPro?
GoldPro allow our trade partners to trade physical gold within and beyond local trading hours.
GoldPro allow our trade partners to have 100% control to buy and/or sell physical gold at the most competitive rate they want, anywhere, anytime.
How to use GoldPro?
GoldPro can be use on any computer, mobile or tablets devices as long as there is an internet connection.
Goldpro will be made available to our trade partners at no additional cost.
Schedule for a GoldPro demonstration / Apply for GoldPro Account
Contact: Heng Wei Quan, Sales & Operation Manager
Contact: +65 6532 6683
About GoldPro: Text

About GoldPro: Image
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